Sometimes we need to convert measurements from one measurement unit to another measurement unit. Converting KG to lbs (Pounds) is very common in our day-to-day life.
If you work with weight-related data in Excel, it would be useful to know how to convert KG to lbs (Pounds) and vice versa.
There are several ways for you to convert KG to lbs (Pounds) in Excel.
Method 1 – Using The CONVERT Function to Convert KG to lbs (Pounds)
Below I have a data set where I have the weights in KG in column A, and I want to convert these weights into lbs (pounds) and get the value in column B.
You can use the Excel CONVERT function to convert KG to lbs.
This is the easiest way to convert a number from one unit of measure to another unit of measure.
The reason for this is that you do not need to know the ratio of two conversion units to do the conversion.
You can use the below formula to convert KG to lbs in the above example.
Enter the below formula in cell B2 and copy the same formula into the below cells.
The syntax of the CONVERT function is CONVERT(number,from_unit,to_unit).
First, you have to specify the number that you want to convert.
In this case, it is the weight in KG.
Then, for the “ from_unit” argument, you have to mention the unit name of the number you have selected. So, you have to enter kg within quotes.
For the last argument “to_unit”, you have to enter the unit name of the result you want. Since we need to convert Kg to lbs, we have to mention the unit name of lbs.
The unit name for the lbs in Excel is “lbm”, so you need to use Enter lbm within quotes.
When using the CONVERT function, it is important to note the following factors.
- You have to enter the unit name within the quotes. Otherwise, the function will return a #NAME? error.
- This function is case-sensitive. If you enter, kg in upper case letters such as “KG”, you will get an #N/A error.
- Use the correct unit names for the “from_unit” and “to_unit” arguments. For example, in Excel, we have to use the “lbm” for “lbs”. The “lbm” means “pound-mass”. If you use, “lbs” for the last argument, you will get an #N/A error.
Also read: Convert Latitude Longitude to Decimal Degrees in Excel
Method 2 – Using Simple Multiplication to Convert KG to lbs (Pounds)
If you know the ratio between KG to lbs, you can easily do a simple multiplication to convert KG to lbs.
Below I have a data set where I have the weights in KG in column A, and I want to convert these weights into lbs (pounds) and get the value in column B.
1 KG is approximately equal to 2.20462 lbs.
Below is the formula that you can enter in cell B2 to convert the weight value in cell A2 from KG to lbs.
So, when you multiply weight in KG by 2.20462, you will get that weight in terms of lbs (pounds).
In the above example, I have hardcoded the conversion value of 2.20462 in the formula itself.
You can also have this value in a cell and then use the reference of that cell in the formula.
For example, if you have the value in cell D1, the formula can be =A2*D1.
The benefit of this method is that in case you change the value in cell D1 the resulting conversion values in column B would automatically update.
Method 3 – Using Paste Special Option to Convert KG to lbs (Pound)
Another easy way to convert values in kgs into pounds quickly is by using the multiplication option in the Paste Special dialog box.
Below I have a data set where I have the weights in KG in column A, and I want to convert these weights into lbs (pounds) and get the value in column B.
1 KG is approximately equal to 2.20462 lbs.
You can multiply all the weights in KG by this ratio using the paste special options.
Below are the steps to use the Paste Special multiplication option to quickly convert kilograms into pounds in Excel.
Step 1 – Copy and paste KG weights into the Weight (lbs) column. We will now be applying the Paste Special multiplication operation on these values in column B to convert them from KG to lbs.
Step 2 – Enter the conversion value of 2.20462 in cell E1. You can use any empty cell for this (in our example, we are using cell E1).
Step 3 – Copy cell E1, which contains the KG to lb conversion value. You can select the cell and use the shortcut Control + C, or right-click and then click on the Copy option.
Step 4 – Select all the values in the weight (lbs) column to apply the Paste Special multiplication operation.
Step 5 – Click the Home tab and then click on the Paste option.
Step 6 – Click on the Paste Special option in the Paste options menu that opens.
Step 7 – Select the “Multiply” option in the Operation category.
Step 8 – Click OK
All the KG weights are multiplied by 2.20462 and converted to the weights in lbs.
The formatting of the copied cell is applied to all pasting cells in the above method. So, first, you change the formatting of the copying cell to the desired format before you do the copying of the cell.
If we want to get the values of weight (lbs) as per the format in the weight (KG) column formatting, first apply that formatting to cell E1.
Then, you can apply the above steps to get an output like the one given below.
In this method, the result (in column B) are static values.
As there is no formula used for the conversion, if you change the KG values in column A, the pound values in column B will not update.
The good part about this method is that you can delete the value in cell E1 as it would not change the result.
In this lesson, you have learned 3 different methods to convert Kg to lbs.
The CONVERT function is suitable if you don’t know the ratio between the two measurement units.
However, when you use the CONVERT function, you have to enter input data into the function carefully. Otherwise, you will get an error.
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