How to Find out What Version of Excel You Have?

Every version of Excel brings with it new features while making some older features obsolete.

As such, we often need to know exactly which version of Excel we are using, to see if a particular feature is available on our current Excel version or not.

Finding out your Excel version is quite easy. However, the version information is accessible in different ways for different Excel interfaces.

In this tutorial, we will show you how to find out what version of Excel you currently have used different Excel interfaces.

In the end, we will also provide a short VBA script that you can run to find out what version of Excel you’re running.

How to Find What Version of Excel you Have using Excel Menus

The Excel version that you are using can be found easily, although the process to find this information is different on each Excel version. Here is a quick guide.

For Latest Excel Versions (2013, 2016, 2019, and Microsoft 365)

If you’re on one of the newer Excel versions, follow these steps to find out all information about your Excel version.

In some cases, you can even see the full version number, including the build number, the type of installation, and if it’s a 32-bit or 64-bit version.

  1. Select the File menu.Click the File tab
  2. Navigate to AccountClick on the Account option
  3. On the right-hand side, you should see Product information, under which you’ll find your Office product name and Activation status.Product information
  4. Click on the ‘About Excel’ button under Product Information.Click on About option
  5. This will open the About Microsoft Excel dialog box, which should display the full Excel version, your Product ID, and copyright information.About Microsoft Excel dialog box

For Excel 2010

In the Excel 2010 interface, the way to find out version information is a little different. Here are the steps:

  1. Select the File menu.
  2. Navigate to Help.
  3. On the right-hand side, you should see your Office product name and Activation status.
  4. Under the About Microsoft Excel category, you will find the full version, product ID, and a link to the copyright information.

For Excel 2007

For older Excel versions (2007 and before), here are the steps you need to follow in order to find out your Excel version information:

  1. Click the Office button
  2. Select Excel Options from the bottom of the window that appears.
  3. This will open the Excel Options dialog box.
  4. Click Resources from the sidebar on the left
  5. On the right-hand side, under Microsoft Office Excel 2007, you should see your full Excel version information.
Also read: How to Mark an Excel Workbook as Final?

Using VBA to Find out What Version of Excel you Have

If you prefer working with VBA, then here’s a quick way, using just three lines of code to find out what version of Excel you have.

The code is shown below:

Sub ExcelVersion()
MsgBox Application.Version
End Sub

To enter the above code, copy it and paste it into your developer window.

Here’s how:

  1. From the Developer menu ribbon, select Visual Basic.Click on Visual Basic option
  2. Once your VBA window opens, you will see all your files and folders in the Project Explorer on the left side. If you don’t see Project Explorer, click on View->Project Explorer.Project explorer in Excel VBA
  3. Make sure ‘ThisWorkbook’ is selected under the VBA project with the same name as your Excel workbook.Select this workbook in the Project Explorer
  4. Click Insert->Module. You should see a new module window open up.Insert a new module
  5. Now you can start coding. Copy the above lines of code and paste them into the new module window.Copy and Paste the VBA code to show Excel version
  6. Run the code by pressing the Run button from the toolbar on top of the window.Click on the RUN macro button
  7. You should see a popup message box that tells you your Excel version number.Excel version number

The above steps would show a message box with a number, and you can refer to the table below to find out what version of Excel you’re using.

VBA Msg Excel Version (Windows and Mac)
8 Excel 97 (Mac: 98)
9 Excel 2000 (Mac: 2001)
10 Excel 2002
11 Excel 2003 (Mac: 2004)
12 Excel 2007 (Mac: 2008)
14 Excel 2010 (Mac: 2011)
15 Excel 2013 (Mac: 2016)
16 Excel 2016

Note: If you can’t see the Developer ribbon, from the File menu, go to Options. Select Customize Ribbon and check the Developer option from Main Tabs. Finally, click OK.

In this tutorial, I showed you two ways that you can use to find out what version of Excel you are using.

The first method can vary depending on whether you are using a newer or older version of Excel.

The second method, on the other hand, can be used on any Excel version, on any machine.

Although it involves the use of VBA script, it’s quite simple and quick, and even someone who is not familiar with VBA can easily use it.

We hope this tutorial has been helpful to you.

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I am a huge fan of Microsoft Excel and love sharing my knowledge through articles and tutorials. I work as a business analyst and use Microsoft Excel extensively in my daily tasks. My aim is to help you unleash the full potential of Excel and become a data-slaying wizard yourself.

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