Apply Border to Cells in Excel (Shortcut)

Applying borders to a data set in excel could really enhance the readability of your data and also make it look a lot more polished.

In this tutorial, I will give you the keyboard shortcut to apply border to cells in Excel

Shortcut to Apply Border to Cells in Excel

Below is the keyboard shortcut to apply borders to cells in Excel

ALT + H + B + A

How to Use the Keyboard Shortcut to Apply Border to Cells in Excel

Below are the steps to use the above keyboard shortcut

  1. Select the cell or range of cells on which you want to apply the border
  2. Use the keyboard shortcut ALT + H + B + A (press these keys one after the other)

The above steps would instantly apply a regular black color border to the selected cells

Dataset with Borders

Other Border Shortcuts in Excel

Apart from applying a regular border to all the selected cells, Excel also has many other border styling options that you can choose from.

Shortcut to Apply Thick Outside Borders in Excel

A lot of people also need to apply a thick border around a specific cell, row, or range of cells.

Below is the keyboard shortcut that you can use to quickly apply a thick border around the selected cells:

ALT + H + B + T

Shortcut Keys to Apply Other Border Styles in Excel

Below are some of the common keyboard shortcuts that you can use to apply different styles of borders to the selected cells:

  • To apply a top border to selected cells – ALT + H + B + P
  • To apply a bottom border to selected cells – ALT + H + B + O
  • To apply a left border to selected cells – ALT + H + B + L
  • To apply a right border to selected cells – ALT + H + B + R
  • To apply regular thickness outside border to selected cells – ALT + H + B + S
  • To apply a bottom double border to selected cells – ALT + H + B + B
  • To apply a thick bottom border to selected cells – ALT + H + B + H
  • To apply top and bottom regular thickness border to selected cells – ALT + H + B + D
  • To apply regular thickness top and thick bottom border to selected cells – ALT + H + B + C
  • To apply top and double bottom border to selected cells – ALT + H + B + U

Shortcut to Remove All Borders in Excel

And finally, below is the keyboard shortcut to remove all the borders from the selected cells.

ALT + H + B+ N

Important Things to Know About Apply Border to Cells in Excel:

  • Apart from the border options that you see in the border drop-down, Excel also provides a lot many other options that you can access by going to the home tab and clicking on the ‘Border’ icon, and then clicking on the ‘More Borders’ option
More Border option in Excel
  • In the more border options dialog box, you can choose the style of the border, the color of the border, and also apply diagonal borders as well.
Border options dialog box
  • When you remove the borders from the selected cells, it would only remove the bottles that were manually applied to those cells. it would not remove the gridlines or the borders applied using conditional formatting
  • Excel also allows you to manually draw borders as well as erase borders using the options in the border drop-down
Draw and Erase border option in Excel

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I am a huge fan of Microsoft Excel and love sharing my knowledge through articles and tutorials. I work as a business analyst and use Microsoft Excel extensively in my daily tasks. My aim is to help you unleash the full potential of Excel and become a data-slaying wizard yourself.

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